Thursday, August 27, 2020
Strategic Management of Emirates Airline
Key Management of Emirates Airline Theoretical This Assignment incorporates three sections. The initial segment is key arranging of Emirates carrier. The subsequent part talks about the sort of choices which are made in various degrees of Emirates and clarify the data frameworks utilized in these levels. The last part features the moral issues associated with the associations forms. Section 1: Strategic Planning The reason for this part is to consider the general vital administration process and consider what's going on in the earth so as to decide how those event may influence the association. Furthermore there is a thought of associations qualities and shortcomings and the chances and treats that has critical effect on the association procedure. Organization diagram Emirates is a national aircraft of Dubai in the Middle East. Emirates escapes to more than 100 goals in 60 nations around the globe from Dubai International Airport with an armada of 137 airplane. Emirates Air line has been existed for a long time. In spite of the fact that Emirates is a youthful aircraft, more than multi decade it has gotten one of the most regarded marks on the planet. The key of their prosperity is utilizing new innovation and data frameworks in their business forms. (Emirates gathering, 2010) Companys mission: For the most part, Emirates development has never been lower than 20 percent every year, and the aircraft has recorded a yearly benefit in consistently since its third in activity. Their exertion is to proceed with their dangerous development and increment the level of this development. Statement of purpose investigation This examination will assist association with revealing targets, objectives and plans for accomplishing them which are significant for the drawn out endurance in the business. In any associations, supervisors need to concentrate their endeavors and assets on long haul, general goals, and gives an establishment to present moment, explicit targets so as to accomplish their statement of purpose. (Robson 1997) General targets: As referenced in statement of purpose, Emirates is attempting to expand the rates of their yearly advantages. Emirates conveyed 21.2 million travelers and 1.3 million tons of payload during the earlier years (Annual report, 2010), and they have to convey millions more over a developing system of global goals on the off chance that they need to build their benefit. Accordingly their point is to give the best assistance in the business so as to have more travelers and load. Explicit Objectives: At present, Emirates flights represent about 40 percent of all flight developments all through Dubai International Airport, and their principle point is to build this piece of the overall industry to 70 percent by end of 2010 without trading off the notoriety for quality. In addition, they are attempting to add 18 new traveler airplane to their armada, increment seating limit by 14 percent. They likewise plan to build frequencies on many existing courses just as extending load limit by 17 percent. These particular goals are all to help the general target which referenced previously. Ecological investigation The associations condition is a significant point to be considered by directors in light of the fact that natural elements can essentially impact authoritative tasks. Great directors must know about their associations condition and ability any progressions may influence the association and their associations accessible assets. (Robson 1997) Remote condition Remote condition investigation records every one of those occasions, issues and realities which will impact the organization execution, however over which they have little impact and those realities are for the most part crazy. Nature of the earth The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has the seventh biggest demonstrated oil, as per the Oil and Gas Journal in January 2009. In light of this topography, United Arab Emirates has rich regular assets and high measure of common assets of fuel. The accessibility of enormous measure of fuel in UAE causes Emirates to give fuel to its airplanes a lot simpler than its carrier organizations. (Business news, 2007) Political difficulties One reason that had huge effect on Emirates was encountering a downturn of their rivals as a result of the Gulf War. Inlet War was a war which occurred in the Persian Gulf between 2 August 1990 and 28 February 1991. In light of this political war, Emirates was the main aircraft to fly over the most recent ten days of the war. (Press, 2001) Economies Dubai International Airports Terminal 3 was constructed solely for the utilization of Emirates at an expense of $4.5 billion. Terminal 3 is the biggest structure on the planet by floor space. The impact of this condition is that numerous individuals might need to utilize this trip so as to visit the biggest structure on the planet despite the fact that they have other decision of airlines.(Caswell, 2008) Modern condition Joined Arab Emirates (Dubai), which was an angling town at the southern finish of the Arabian Gulf, has developed to get one of the main exchange focus of the Middle East. Enormous number of organizations and exchanges are running in there. This impacts Emirates Airline profoundly on the grounds that numerous individuals begin coming to Dubai from direct and furthermore numerous individuals need to trip to different nations. Emirates, by giving great carrier administrations, is one of the high requested aircraft in this nation. SWOT investigation SWOT investigation is a fundamental apparatus for dissecting the associations status. SWOT examination tends to associations qualities, shortcomings, openings and dangers. A SWOT examination characterizes the connection between the inside and outer evaluations in vital investigation. It is an activity in ID and investigation. Examining the key elements of nature and the principal inward qualities and shortcoming of the association will help direct the techniques suitable to the organizations. (Robson, 1997) Quality: Qualities are the positive inside elements that increase the value of the organization. New business thought: One of the realities that makes associations more grounded is the point at which they make another business thought. In 2005, Emirates started flying relentless to New York. This happened when just Delta Air Lines had a similar assistance. In this way Emirates began to give an assistance which was not given by such a large number of carriers, and that causes them in expanding the quantity of their clients Notoriety: Another interior factor that makes the business solid is having acceptable notoriety among clients. For instance: In 2009, Emirates was casted a ballot the fifth best carrier on the planet by research consultancy firm Skytrax. *Skytrax is a United Kingdom-based consultancy, the open essence of Inflight Research Services Upper hand: Emirates has won some upper hands which made this organization as one of the great aircrafts. To respond to this inquiry that how Emirates can hold its serious situation in the business, taking a gander at how great Emirates is serving its items could be the appropriate response. Item in Emirates is the administrations that carrier is accommodating its clients, for example, flight, food. Flight Emiratess offering is separated into three principle lines; The First Class seat, the Business class seat and the Economy class. In every one of the three classes traveler are given by high caliber and agreeable seats, in-seat PC electrical plugs, and an ICE framework on a LCD screen. Business and firs class have more offices incorporate back rub work, protection segment, winged headrest with six-way development, two individual understanding lights and an overhead light for each seat, in-seat power gracefully, more than 600 channels of diversion on ICE. Emirates was the principal carrier on the planet to present an individual theater setup on a business airplane and that was a valid justification for them to increase completive focal points. Shortcomings: These are the negative inside factor that annihilates estimations of organization or put the organization in hazard. As a matter of fact it is hard to state what are the shortcomings Emirates, since Emirates is considered as one of the most regarded travel marks far and wide. Anyway there are still a few shortcomings that Emirates need to improve. I can say that one of the Emirates shortcomings is having costly ticket cost particularly for the business and top notch. Emirates began to lose a portion of its client when Qatar Airline offered a similar trip with less expensive tickets. Openings: Openings are outside positive factors that speak to the explanation behind an association to exist and create. One of the open doors that can increase the value of the organization is having accomplices, offices or dispersion. Emirates has 6 auxiliaries and its parent company(Emirates Group). These auxiliaries which are working independently can give Emirates benefits. Emirates SkyCargo Skywards Emirates Official Store EmQuest Emirates Aviation College Emirates Engineering Dangers: Dangers are outside negative elements which could put the association crucial activity in danger. Market request In the business aircraft industry, unfilled seat on a routinely planned flight speaks to a danger cost to the administrator. In spite of the fact that Emirates endeavor to offer the best administrations for the explorers, it is unimaginable all the seats get fill during all the flights. Contender aims Another danger that may be threat for Emirates is its serious in the market. While Emirates has one of the most current armadas in the business, and has administration levels make different carriers to imitate, and begin utilizing a similar methodology that Emirates is utilizing. (Williamson et al. 2004) Section 2: Information framework Analysis There are four administrative levels in any association that are answerable for associations plans and choices; key, strategic, information and activity levels. In this area, first the sort of choices that made in each level is talked about. Afterward, the data frameworks which are utilized to assist the chiefs with making the correct choice in that degree of association are recorded. (
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Advertising in America :: Essays Papers
Publicizing in America Most Americans want to pick up riches and advertisers flourish with this. Individuals fantasy about creation heaps of cash rapidly and without endeavoring to get it. Another situation of individuals needing to pick up riches is getting something free. Advertisers realize that when they publicize getting something for nothing or getting cash rapidly, they will pick up the customers consideration. At the point when advertisers promote that there is a sum, for example, $85 million available to all individuals will effectively put away their cash regardless of what the chances are. Individuals love pondering turning into a mogul by spending as meager as a dollar. A case of a promotion that assists feed on the customer ability with spending cash only for the opportunity to turn into a mogul is the Power Ball business. The Power Ball notice ran on TV saying, â€Å"Add a buck power up,†is fortifying that playing the lottery gives back. How regularly does one hear the odds of winning the lottery in the ads for the lottery? The truth of the matter is that numerous Americans are indoctrinated into accepting that gambling a dollar does typically give back in tremendous sums. The chances of winning the Power Ball bonanza are 1 of every 80,089,128 or .0000012% as indicated by the Pennsylvania Lottery Web Site. Many individuals burn through several dollars on lottery tickets every year, not understanding how much cash they are losing. They simply keep spending their yearly dollar daily and don't consider the measure of cash they have lost over the significant stretch of time. Individuals appear to particularly get dependent with scratch off lottery tickets when they when win five, ten or twenty dollars. From my experience when the prize cash is under twenty dollars including scratch off lottery tickets they regularly spend it on purchasing more lottery tickets. Betting with cash is an enslavement that is notacknowledged in America like smoking or drinking addictions.There is more cash fixation in America other than the lottery, take peoplegetting their expense cash back snappier. Another notice of H&R Block that has comeout as of late is pointed toward citizens recovering their assessment discount all the more rapidly. The business shows a man pulling up to a H&R Block office in a minivan with a pregnant lady in labor. Shouting, the lady in labor ask irately for what valid reason he halted at the H&R Block office, his reaction was that he expected to get some speedy money. Publicizing in America :: Essays Papers Publicizing in America Most Americans want to pick up riches and advertisers flourish with this. Individuals fantasy about creation bunches of cash rapidly and without striving to get it. Another situation of individuals needing to pick up riches is getting something free. Advertisers realize that when they publicize getting something for nothing or getting cash rapidly, they will pick up the customers consideration. At the point when advertisers promote that there is a sum, for example, $85 million available to all individuals will effortlessly put away their cash regardless of what the chances are. Individuals love considering turning into a mogul by spending as meager as a dollar. A case of a notice that assists feed on the shopper ability with spending cash only for the opportunity to turn into a mogul is the Power Ball business. The Power Ball commercial ran on TV saying, â€Å"Add a buck power up,†is fortifying that playing the lottery gives back. How frequently does one hear the odds of winning the lottery in the commercials for the lottery? The truth of the matter is that numerous Americans are conditioned into accepting that gambling a dollar does normally give back in immense sums. The chances of winning the Power Ball big stake are 1 of every 80,089,128 or .0000012% as per the Pennsylvania Lottery Web Site. Many individuals burn through several dollars on lottery tickets every year, not understanding how much cash they are losing. They simply keep spending their yearly dollar daily and don't consider the measure of cash they have lost over the extensive stretch of time. Individuals appear to particularly get dependent with scratch off lottery tickets when they when win five, ten or twenty dollars. From my experience when the prize cash is under twenty dollars including scratch off lottery tickets they regularly spend it on purchasing more lottery tickets. Betting with cash is a fixation that is notacknowledged in America like smoking or drinking addictions.There is more cash fixation in America other than the lottery, take peoplegetting their expense cash back faster. Another promotion of H&R Block that has comeout as of late is pointed toward citizens recovering their duty discount all the more rapidly. The business shows a man pulling up to a H&R Block office in a minivan with a pregnant lady in labor. Shouting, the lady in labor ask irately for what reason he halted at the H&R Block office, his reaction was that he expected to get some speedy money.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive Mission Admission Be Sincerethe MBA Admissions Committee Will Believe You
Blog Archive Mission Admission Be Sincereâ€"the MBA Admissions Committee Will Believe You Mission Admission is a series of MBA admission tips; a new one is posted each Tuesday. Candidates are often skeptical about whether MBA admissions committees will believe their stories. After all, is anyone available to corroborate that what made the difference in a particular situation was truly youâ€"that you had that particular innovative idea? The response to this concern is pretty simple: if what you are describing actually happened, you do not need to worry about your credibility. You just need to write about your experience with sincerity. If you can offer details about the events as part of a narrative, the story will unfold logically and truthfully and will have its desired impact. Conversely, if your story is basic and vague, it will not come across as compelling (regardless of its veracity). An equally important point is that you are innocent until proven guilty. The MBA admissions committee will not assume that you are a liar and read your application seeking proof of facts that are in doubt. The admissions reader will take your stories at face value, recognizing that truth is sometimes stranger than fiction and that strong candidates will stand out on the strength of their experiences. In addition, if you accomplished something truly remarkable, you can always ask your recommender to emphasize this in his/her letter. This does not mean that the committee is seeking proof and that if something is not highlighted in a reference, it will not be believed. Still, your recommender can play an important role in legitimizing certain accomplishments. Share ThisTweet Mission Admission Blog Archive Mission Admission Be Sincereâ€"the MBA Admissions Committee Will Believe You Mission Admission is a series of MBA admission tips; a new one is posted each Tuesday. Candidates are often skeptical about whether MBA admissions committees will believe their stories. After all, is anyone available to corroborate that what made the difference in a particular situation was truly youâ€"that you had that particular innovative idea? The response to this concern is pretty simple: if what you are describing actually happened, do not worry about credibility. You simply need to write about your experience with sincerity. If you can offer details about the events as part of a narrative, the story will unfold logically and truthfully and will have its desired impact. Conversely, if your story is basic and vague, it will not come across as compelling, regardless of its veracity. An equally important point is that you are innocent until proven guilty. The admissions committee will not assume that you are a liar and read your application seeking proof of facts that are in doubt. The admissions reader will take your stories at face value, recognizing that truth is sometimes stranger than fiction and that strong candidates will stand out on the strength of their experiences. In addition, if you accomplished something truly remarkable, you can always ask your recommender to emphasize this in his/her letter. This does not mean that the committee is seeking proof and that if something is not highlighted in a reference, it will not be believed. Still, your recommender can play an important role in legitimizing certain accomplishments. Share ThisTweet Mission Admission Blog Archive Mission Admission Be Sincereâ€"the MBA Admissions Committee Will Believe You Mission Admission is a series of MBA admission tips; a new one is posted each Tuesday. Candidates are often skeptical about whether MBA admissions committees will believe their stories. After all, is anyone available to corroborate that what made the difference in a particular situation was truly youâ€"that you had that particular innovative idea? The response to this concern is pretty simple: if what you are describing actually happened, you do not need to worry about your credibility. You just need to write about your experience with sincerity. If you can offer details about the events as part of a narrative, the story will unfold logically and truthfully and will have its desired impact. Conversely, if your story is basic and vague, it will not come across as compelling (regardless of its veracity). An equally important point is that you are innocent until proven guilty. The MBA admissions committee will not assume that you are a liar and read your application seeking proof of facts that are in doubt. They will take your stories at face value, recognizing that truth is sometimes stranger than fiction and that strong candidates will stand out on the strength of their experiences. In addition, if you accomplished something truly remarkable, you can always ask your recommender to emphasize this in his/her letter. This does not mean that the committee is seeking proof and that if something is not highlighted in a reference, it will not be believed. Still, your recommender can play an important role in legitimizing certain accomplishments. Share ThisTweet Mission Admission Blog Archive Mission Admission Be Sincereâ€"the MBA Admissions Committee Will Believe You Mission Admission is a series of MBA admission tips; a new one is posted each Tuesday. Candidates are often skeptical about whether MBA admissions committees will believe their stories. After all, is anyone available to corroborate that what made the difference in a particular situation was truly youâ€"that you had that particular innovative idea? The response to this concern is pretty simple: if what you are describing actually happened, do not worry about credibility. You simply need to write about your experience with sincerity. If you can offer details about the events as part of a narrative, the story will unfold logically and truthfully and will have its desired impact. Conversely, if your story is basic and vague, it will not come across as compelling, regardless of its veracity. An equally important point is that you are innocent until proven guilty. The admissions committee will not assume that you are a liar and read your application seeking proof of facts that are in doubt. The admissions reader will take your stories at face value, recognizing that truth is sometimes stranger than fiction and that strong candidates will stand out on the strength of their experiences. In addition, if you accomplished something truly remarkable, you can always ask your recommender to emphasize this in his/her letter. This does not mean that the committee is seeking proof and that if something is not highlighted in a reference, it will not be believed. Still, your recommender can play an important role in legitimizing certain accomplishments. Share ThisTweet Mission Admission
Monday, May 25, 2020
Artificial Lighting Mohamed Amr Hassan - 2461 Words
[14ARCH08C] Building Services (1) Module Leader: Dr. Ashraf Nessim Group Research Assignment artificial lighting Mohamed Amr Hassan 118279 Artificial lighting: Introduction The actual conception of space will be immediately linked to just how mild combines with it. What we see, whatwe all experience as well as how we translate the elements will be afflicted with precisely how mild interacts with us as well aswith all the surroundings. Regarding architectural mastery, within whichever measurement it may be assessed, possibly while space, while materials or perhaps while colour, it can be essentially based on your lights situation that concerns the two the item as well as the onlooker. The actual energetic sunlight as well as the controlled man-made lights can affect besides specific actual measurable problems inside a space, but additionally to be able to start as well as pressure diverse graphic suffers from as well as moods. A result of the mild, it is possible to understand diverse atmospheres inside the similar actual surroundings. Gentle make up an element of standard meaning for your design of rooms as well as then it plays a significant role insid e the talk of top quality within architectural mastery. Within executive tournaments, mild possesses often already been any stated term inside the jury’s remarks; possibly in case this will never be any qualifying criterion from the program. Commonly within type of sunlight, your ample by using
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Risk Management Project Case Study - 1809 Words
Risk Management Project Arthur â€Å"Ajaye†Jackson CPMGT/302 Overview ABC Company has held a spot among top assembling organizations in the United States for quite a long while. Be that as it may, because of expanded rivalry and client request administration has chosen to execute a few changes. The essential change to ABC Company that has been sketched out by administration is a supplier worldwide extension venture. Administration has its eyes set on China as another supply base. Similarly as with any venture, the advantages might be clear yet undertaking the task likewise accompanies what s coming to its of dangers. Objectives and Resources In an effort to remain a pioneer in the worldwide business sector, ABC Company has settled on the choice to grow its supply base into China. Achieving this objective however can be an overwhelming undertaking. A global supply chain should be spry and vigorous keeping in mind the end goal to address the issues of different markets while all the while taking care of regularly evolving needs. A supply chain should be receptive to client and authoritative needs regarding items and sourcing, producing, transport, ecological and human asset relations. A worldwide extension venture involves substantially more than basically setting up shop in another nation; however fortunately there are various instruments accessible to streamline the procedure. There are numerous assets that can be used to help in the universal move.Show MoreRelatedProject Risk Management - Fluidity in Risk Planning Case Study1098 Words  | 5 PagesRisk Paper 2 Project Risk Management- Professor Hurst Fluidity in Risk Planning – A Case Study One of the most important steps within a project is risk management because it plans for and responds to risks that impact the overall project deliverables including budget and timeframe. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is Isis A Threat - 899 Words
Ishank Tandon GS163: International Relations Dr. Terence Casey July 14, 2015 Is ISIS a Threat to United States? ISIS stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. It is referred as a terrorist group by the United States, whereas ISIS considers themselves to be an army instead. ISIS has been responsible for many gruesome attacks all over the world one of them being the execution of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh. They originated from Al-Qaeda in Iraq but they had big ambitions by kicking America out and setting up an Islamic state. To this date hold their land there unlike other groups like Al-Qaeda and Taliban. They have a huge support from people as their count being over 30,000 soldiers and followers. They are heavily armed, can fund themselves, have an organized infrastructure, and can cause a lot of damage. Later in 2006, their brutality lost them the support of Iraqi Sunnis who partnered with US forces to help push them out of the country. And for this incident, America takes a lot of credit for this and call it the Surge in which they helped Sunnis rise up against Al-Qaeda in Iraqâ€℠¢s rule. This led to Al-Qaeda in Iraq being defeated but not destroyed by only being driven out of the land they used to control and later they began rebuilding themselves by being involved in the fighting in Syria as they were trying to throw the Shiite Assad regime. Due to their brutal and severe tactics, Al-Qaeda disavowed Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Later in February 2014, the group Al-Qaeda in IraqShow MoreRelatedIsis : A U.s. Threat?1371 Words  | 6 PagesISIS: A U.S. Threat? ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) is a terrorist group that is trying to build a caliphate in Syria, as well as evoking war with the United States. ISIS first started as a branch off of Al- Qaeda; until February 2014, when they broke away from Al- Qaeda. According to K.T. 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ISIS is notoriously known for holding public executions and committing large-scale attacks to capture and maintain conquered territory. The leader is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, but little is known about him. However, it is known that before he joined Al Qaeda in Iraq, he had formed a militant group in Salaheddin and Diyala provinces north of the Iraq capital. Al-BaghdadiRead MoreIsis And The Islamic State1527 Words  | 7 PagesISIS continues to dominate the news and internet. With each news report of beheadings, executions, and crucifixion, people want to understand what is ISIS and where did they come from. The acronym ISIS, in English, stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, but in Arabic it stands for The Islamic State in Iraq and Ash-Sham.  It is also known as ISIL, because sometimes Syria is replaced with the ter m the Levant. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
European Paintings Female Nude Essay Example For Students
European Paintings Female Nude Essay There was something special or unusual about them. It could have been for their beauty, power or their social status. In todays world, beauty of women is shown in magazines, television, billboards and catalogue advertisements. Before all these technology was invented, the only media beauty could be expressed was through paintings, The women in these paintings werent just any women walking down the street. Just like what we see today in the media, consider these women to be models. They had what was believed to he the figure of perfection; softness, curves and long thick hair. One of the paintings shown in Ways of Seeing video is a painting by Jean Augusta Ingress called La Grandee Odalisque, This painting was commissioned by Caroline Mural, Queen of Naples in 1814. Beauty is clearly expressed in this painting. Although Ingress ideal of female form is anatomically impossible with the enhancement of the overly long back appearance, her figure is the ideal It is boneless. Her pose and her gaze have a deeper meaning than just a naked woman staring at the spectator. There is nothing sexual about this painting. The fact that it was commissioned by another woman also support hat the nude is not only for male viewing pleasure. Another painting shown in the video is by Sir Peter Levy. It was created in 1972. Without knowing its history, many people would think that it was painted for a mans fantasy. Many people also think that the woman represents Venus and cupid. The woman in the painting was in fact one of the mistresses of King Charles II, Nell Go. Yen with her child. The fact that the woman is a mistress off powerful man shows that power plays a part in the making of European female nude paintings. Being an object in the painting also lifted up her status her and identity. The nude in European paintings do celebrate the woman within them. Just like the models in todays world, they were no ordinary women. They had the ideal figure and have earned their place to be chosen as an object. It is a celebration of their beauty.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Human Rights and Employer free essay sample
Human rights law The rights contained in the Human Rights Act are: †¢ The right to life †¢ The right not to be tortured or treated in an inhuman or degrading way †¢ The right to be free from slavery or forced labour †¢ The right to liberty †¢ The right to a fair trial †¢ The right to no punishment without law †¢ The right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence †¢ The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion †¢ The right to freedom of expression †¢ The right to freedom of assembly and association †¢ The right to marry and found a family The right not to be discriminated against in relation to any of the rights contained in the European Convention †¢ The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions †¢ The right to education †¢ The right to free elections The Human Rights Act 1998 1. 2 list the main features of current employment legislation Wages, holiday pay, contract, health and safety, disciplinary procedures, hours of work, work breaks 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Human Rights and Employer or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 3 outline why legislation relating to employment exists to protect the right of employers and employees by providing rules and regulations that must be followed 1. identify sources and types of information and advice available in relation to employment responsibilities and rights contract handbook policy documents terms and conditions job description Understand agreed ways of working that protect own relationship with employer 2. 1 Describe the terms and conditions of own contract of employement A contract of employment sets out what your employer expects from you and what your pay and holidays are etc it is a binding contract so if you (say) misbehave you can be sacked for breaking your contract nless you are a civil servant then the government can tear it up and take back your benefits then when the courts rule that the government is acting illegally they simply alter the law so as it is legal So to recap a contract of employment is a legally binding contract unless you work for t he government 2. 2 Describe th information shown on own pay statement On your pay slip, should appear: * the name of the company that employs you, * your full name and staff ID number, * the amount you earn * the details of the job you do ie part time, full time * an idea of the date you will receive the payment. deductions made such as tax or social security 2. 3 Describe the procedure to follow in event of grievance Overview Problems with your employer usually fall into one of two categories: * grievances when you raise your concerns, problems or complaints with your employer * disciplinaries when your employer has concerns about your work, conduct or absence Explain your concern to your manager to see if you can sort out any problems informally. You may find it helpful to suggest what you would like them to do to solve your problem. Your employer should discuss any disciplinary issues with you informally first. These issues could lead to formal disciplinary action, including dismissal in more serious or repetitive cases. Right to be accompanied You have the right to be accompanied to grievance or disciplinary meetings (and any appeals) by either a: * colleague or trade union representative * family member or Citizens Advice Bureau worker if this allowed check your employment contract, company handbook or human resources intranet site Formal procedures You can make a formal grievance complaint or face formal disciplinary action if you weren’t able to resolve your problem informally. Grievances If you’ve tried solving a problem by talking to your manager but you’re not satisfied, you can make a formal grievance complaint. Your employer should put their grievance procedure in writing. You should be able to find this in your: * company handbook * human resources (HR) or personnel manual * HR intranet site * employment contract Your employer’s grievance procedure should include the following steps: * writing a letter to your employer setting out the details of your grievance * a meeting with your employer to discuss the issue * the ability to appeal your employer’s decision Mediation, conciliation and arbitration You can get help from a third-party to solve disputes between you and your employer. The main ways you can do this are through: * mediation * conciliation * arbitration Mediation Mediation is when an independent and impartial third party discusses a problem with you and your employer (or between you and another employee) to try and find a solution. It’s often used after informal discussions haven’t come up with a solution. Mediation is voluntary and the mediator can’t force you or your employer to accept a solution. Both you and your employer must agree on the way to solve the dispute. Tribunals If you have been unable to solve a problem between you and your employer, you may have to go to an employment tribunal. At the tribunal, you and your employer will present your cases, answer questions and the tribunal will make a decision. 2. 4 Identify the personal information that must be kept up to date with own employer Every employer should keep personal details for every worker, which include: * name * address * date of birth * sex * education and qualifications * work experience * National Insurance number * tax code details of any known disability * emergency contact details They will also keep details such as: * your employment history with the organisation * your employment terms and conditions pay, hours of work, holidays, benefits * your absence details * details of any accidents connected with work * details of any training taken * details of any disciplinary action (FindlawUK, 2012) 2. 5 Explain agreed ways of working with employer These are your policies and procedures based on sector standards and guidelines and individuals care plans. To implement agreed ways of working, it is suggested follow the care plan. Duty of care is the obligation to exercise a level of care towards an individual, as is reasonable in all the circumstances, to avoid injury to that individual or his/her property. A dilemma can occur when an individual makes a risky choice. They have a right to do this and it is important to respect and support their choices but you also have a duty to keep them safe. http://www. studymode. com/essays/Agreed-Ways-Of-Working-1332928. html Understand how own role fits within the wider context of the sector 3. 1 Explain how own role fits within the delivery of the service provided 3. Explain the effect of own role of service provision 3. 3 Describe how own role links to the wider sector 3. 4 Describe the main roles and responsibilities of representative bodies that influence the wider sector Understand career pathways available within own and related 4. 1 Explore different types of occupational opportunities 4. 2 Identify sources of information related to a chosen career pathway 4. 3 Identify next steps in own career pathway Understand how issues of public concern may affect the image and delivery of services in the sector 5. Identify occasions where the public have raised concerns regarding issues within the sector 5. 2 outline different viewpoints around a issues of public concern relevant to the sector 5. 3 describe how issues of public concern have altered public views of the sector 5. 4 Describe recent changes in service delivery which have affected own area of work.
Monday, March 9, 2020
SAT Superscore vs Score Choice Whats the Difference
SAT Superscore vs Score Choice What's the Difference SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You may know that the SAT offers both Superscoring and Score Choice, but do you know what separates the two? Much like a pair of dissimilarly flavored but equally delicious ice cream cones, each one benefits you, but in slightly different ways. In this article I will briefly go over what Superscoring and Score Choice entail and tell you what separates one from the other. What Is Superscoring? Superscoring is what many collegesdo with the SAT scores you submit with your application.They look at all the SAT scores you send,take your highest score from each test section, and combine those high scores from different test dates into a highest-possible composite score or superscore. The example below demonstrates how superscoring works if you choose to submit results from three different test dates. In the eyes of colleges that superscore, this student has a perfect score since he or she managed to get an 800 on each section at least once. Critical Reading Mathematics Writing Total Score Test 1 800 740 750 2290 Test 2 780 800 700 2280 Test 3 750 750 800 2300 Superscore 800 800 800 2400 Superscoring benefits colleges because it places them higher up in the rankings for average SAT scores of admitted students. It also benefits you because you get credit for your best scores from each section even if they happened at different times rather than being stuck with a composite score from one test. What Is Score Choice? Score choice is something that you'll need to consider before sending scores to colleges. It just meansyou can decide which SAT scores to send and which not to send. If you choose to send SAT scores from a certain test date, you can't pick and choose which sections to send - it's all or nothing.You'll have a choice of which test dates you want to send in the case of the regular SAT and your choice of which individual tests you want to send in the case of SAT subject tests. Most schools allow Score Choice, but some don’t, including Yale and Stanford. Make sure you check the websites of colleges where you're applying to verify that they allow Score Choice. Come on Yale, everyone knows you're not in Europe. Stop trying so hard. What Are the Important Differences Between Superscoring and Score Choice? You vs. Colleges With Score Choice, you're making a choice about which scores to send. The scores from test dates you choose not to send will never be seen by colleges that allow Score Choice.Only the scores you choose to send will be eligible for Superscoring by colleges that allow Score Choice. Some schools require you to send all your scores (no Score Choice) but also use Superscoring, so they will still only consider your best scores.Superscoring is something that you don’t need to worry about directly because schools do it automatically after you send your scores.It is, however, something that you should take into consideration when studying for and deciding when to take the SAT (more on this later). Whole SATs vs. Subscores If you use Score Choice to send your SAT scores from a certain test date,you have to send all of the section scores - you can’t cherry pick which ones you want colleges to see. In the case of Superscoring, however, the whole point is for colleges to extract your best individual section scores to create the best total score possible.Score Choice is the first filter that scores pass through in their composite form. Then, colleges thatsuperscore will choose the highest subscores from the SATs you send themto create your best score from bits and pieces of several different tests. What Does This Mean for You? It means that if you didn’t do as well as you hoped on one SAT, it’s not the end of the world.In most cases, you can choose not to send that score to colleges through Score Choice. Even if you do have to send it, you'll probably also send better scores from other test dates. The lower scores won’t even be considered by most schools if they use Superscoring. Here are some ways you might adapt your SAT strategy based on Score Choice and Superscoring: Practice Specific Studying Colleges that superscore will pick out your best section scores, which means you canfocus your studying solely on one section for a given test date.If you already took the SAT once and are satisfied with your score on one section but want to raise the second score, you can focus your studying entirely on the weaker section as you prepare for the next test date. You don’t need to worry about achieving a score that's the same or higher than your previous score on the other section because the highest scores for each section are the only ones that count. Don’t go overboard and leave sections of the test you've already conquered blank, but you can feel relaxed knowing thatit's not always necessary to shoot for your best composite score. You can just focus on getting your best score for a certain section! Take the Test More than Once This is something we advocate anyways, but knowing that Score Choice and Superscoring exist adds an extra incentive.Even if you don’t study much from one test to the next, your scores are likely to increase slightly. You can choose which tests to send with Score Choice, and colleges will use your highest subscores from those tests with Superscoring. That meanstaking the SAT at least two or three times is in your best interests. The only SAT scores that count, with the help of our good friends Score Choice and Superscoring! Summary Superscoring and Score Choice are two services that allow you to show colleges only your best SAT scores. Score Choice means you can decide which composite scores to send to colleges. If you took the test on three dates, you could choose to only send two of them if one score was a lot lower. Colleges then implement Superscoring, taking your best subscores from each section of the SAT and combining them to create your highest-possible composite score. Superscoring and Score Choice mean that you have an incentive to take the SAT more than once and to study for specific sections so you'll be able to maximize your results. Together, Superscoring and Score Choice make the SAT just a little less stressful! What's Next? Read this article to learn more about how SAT Superscoring helps you. Check out these articles if you're trying to figure out whether to take the SAT again or just want to know how many times you should take it in general. If you don't know your target score yet, use this guide to figure it out so you can get your studying started! Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, February 22, 2020
World Slavery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
World Slavery - Essay Example Today, the most potent instrument of slavery is economic power as opposed to physical power. With most countries in the world joining the neo-liberal bandwagon, the power of money has established itself as the most potent instrument of perpetrating slavery. Previously, slaves would obey their masters for fear of the whip. But today, they do so for fear of starvation. Financial glottalization, euphemistically called neo-liberal reforms by most right-wing politicians, has contributed greatly to economic disparities across the world. In the thirty odd years since the initiation of the globalisation process, the income gap between the rich and the poor has only widened. It might be true that the Gross Domestic Products of several countries (especially those in Asia) might have improved during this period. But internally, the standard living for a majority of the population has stagnated or worsened. This kind of imbalance serves the interests of the rich perfectly, as they now have access to a desperate labour market that is ripe for further exploitation. It should be remembered that poverty is at its most severe in regions with high concentrations of wealth. This is why, prostitution has burst like an epidemic in Eastern European and South East Asian countries that have embraced neo-liberalism in recent decades. Since conventional notions of bonded slavery are not applicable in contemporary times, the parameters for evaluating its existence have to be modified as well. In this new understanding, slavery is closely associated with poverty. So if an individual is not able to eat two full meals everyday, or is unable to get access to basic healthcare, or does not have protection against natural elements, he/she can be said to be a slave. In this condition of acute deprivation, the individual will have no option but to take any work he/she is given at rock-bottom wages. In other words, the
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Threats and Methods to Secure a VoIP Network Essay
Threats and Methods to Secure a VoIP Network - Essay Example People were mostly concerned with its cost, functionality and reliability. Today, VoIP is growing to the point where companies of almost any size in any industry know how to take advantage of the cost savings and other emerging added features in VoIP. As VOIP is gaining wide acceptance and becoming one of the mainstream communication technologies, security has become a major issue. Network Administrators are finding themselves in a tough position of providing their clienteles with the security and reliability that they have grown accustomed to over these years. The threats to security and privacy could be in the form of DOS (denial of service), malformed messages, sniffing, spoofing, vishing, VOIP spam and SPIT (spam over VOIP). The vulnerable components under threat through the use of VoIP could be access device application, management interface, network, tftp server. Means to secure the VOIP network could be VoIP Protocol, Session Border Protocol, or using the network devices. To protect networks from these threats, one of the key aspects is the methodology of securing information; that is, to conceal the signals and media in real time communications from unauthorized entities through cryptography. But there is no single solution to secure a VOIP service network entirely the best practice is to integrate all possible solutions according to service model, network architecture, protocol model, target customers, peering partners and so on. With increasing use of this technology combined with modern technology and its users, VoIP faces many security issues that need to be covered and prevented in order to make this technology as one of the best for the companies. Therefore this dissertation will examine some security concerns and protection methods by analyzing the threats to VoIP network and consequently determine how to deal with them from design, quality of service and management perspectives. 1.2 Introduction As with IT security, there are a multitude of threats to a VoIP network that can make it difficult to secure VoIP telephony. DoS attacks, message tampering, proxy impersonation, registration hijacking are but a few of the problems telephony managers may encounter as they try to secure VoIP networks. The security of private data, whether in organizations or industries, is becoming more crucial and relevant each day. VOIP technology also needs to continually improve and update its security defenses in terms of reliability and quality. As internet telephony comes to handle more data, it becomes an easy target for cyber crime. From the beginning of its inception, VOIP infrastructure has always been vulnerable to threats from other networked architectures. This happens due to the process of digitization, and encryption of voice, which is then compressed into small packets and sent over the Internet Protocol network systems. This technicality is presented in the VOIP system which can
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
In the Kitchen Essay Example for Free
In the Kitchen Essay The kitchen that is being discussed in the story means two different things. The first meaning is the part of the author’s house where the author’s mother prepare and cook their food, and where the whole family of the author spend most of their time together. The other meaning of the kitchen in this story is as the kinky hair at the back of a person’s head where the neck meets the shirt collar. The kitchen as part of the author’s house has been memorable to their family since this is where they spent most of their time together. It is in this room where they took their bath in their galvanized tub, where their mother washed their clothes, and where their mother did her hair. However, we will deal with the aspect of the kitchen as the kinky hair. The kitchen as the kinky hair at the back of their head is usually the main concern of most of the African American. This kitchen is very important to these people because of the perception of â€Å"good†and â€Å"bad†hair. In those days, â€Å"good†means straight hair, while â€Å"bad†hair means kinky hair. Most people wanted to have â€Å"good†hair. They exert almost all kinds of effort in order to have â€Å"good†hair that even people of today still do. The author’s mother heats fine tooth instrument with wooden handle over their gas stove to straighten her hair, with the help of Bergamot oil. Some used stocking cap which is made up of a pair of stocking cut into about six or more inches with an open end on one side and a knotted end on the other side. Nowadays, hair still remains to be the number one concern of many African American people. Even people with non-kinky hair resort to hair straightening process and products to achieve silky smooth straight hair. As a conclusion, the term kitchen in this essay pertains to hair as assimilation or adjustment in order to be accepted by their society without much discrimination. Most people believed that hair, as a crowning glory, is an important source of identity. It shows what kind of a person one is, where he/she came from, and it even shows the financial and racial status of a person. Work Cited Gates, H. L. , In the Kitchen. USA: MacMillan, 1997.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Essay --
FROM: Mathilde Renou TO: Ms. Charlotte Irwin RE: Memorandum on Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal on Jurisdiction, ICTY Appeals Chamber DATE: December 06, 2013 FACTS Dusko Tadic is a Bosnian Serb accused of crimes against humanity amongst which the foremost were the collection, the mistreatment and the killing of Bosnian Muslims and Croats in the former Yugoslavia in 1992. Also known as â€Å"Dule†Tadic, this former leader of Serbian paramilitary forces has been indicted in 1995 . The Defence team had fulfilled a preliminary motion for dismissal of the charges based on the tribunal lack of jurisdiction which was primarily rejected by the Trial Chamber which refused, amongst others, to investigate the legitimacy of the creation of the tribunal . From this dismissal, the Defence team filed an interlocutory appeal to contest, amongst others, the â€Å"illegal foundation of the International Tribunal .†ISSUE Dusko Tadic (hereinafter the Appellant) contested the jurisdiction (or the â€Å"competence†as it is referred in the French version of the case) of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and alleged â€Å"an error of law on the part of the Trial Chamber †, and contested particularly the legitimacy of the establishment of the Tribunal. Therefore the questions are the following. Does the Tribunal has the power to determine its own jurisdiction, i.e. its legal foundation by asserting the principle of â€Å"compà ©tence de la competence†? By extension, does the UN Security Council acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter is lawfully entitled to establish an international criminal tribunal? RULE Under article 36(6) Statute of the Court , the Court asserted its right to the principle of... ... of Procedure , and rejected the first ground of appeal of the Appellant based on an unlawful establishment of the International Tribunal . CONCLUSION The Appeals Chamber rejected the heading of the appellant related to the lack of jurisdiction of the ICTY by asserting its power to determine its own jurisdiction. The Court affirmed its â€Å"compà ©tence de la compà ©tence†under Article 36 (6) ICJ Statute by arguing that the tribunal has been lawfully and legitimately founded under Chapter VII of the United Nations and reaffirmed that The UN Security Council had the legitimacy to establish a â€Å"subsidiary organ†, i.e. a tribunal, under international law respecting the rule of law. By ruling on this decision, the Court has asserted its capacity to determine and to exercise its competence on its own jurisdiction, best known as the principle of â€Å"compà ©tence de la compà ©tence†.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Prepare Environments and Resources for use during healthcare activities Essay
1.1 When going into a call the first thing that should be done is to get all the materials that you need together in order to provide care. For example, if someone is bed ridden and you are changing their pad then you will need to get the clean pad, carrier bag, toilet roll, baby wipes, towel, cream if applicable and usually the slide sheet ready. By not having everything ready you will have to stop what you are doing and go and get things. The individual during this time is rolled on their side and no doubt in some discomfort and delaying the proceedings to go and get things only increases this discomfort. After providing care all materials should either be disposed of or put away ready for the next use. Any soiled clothing or bedding should be changed and put into the washing machine ready for the next wash. When preparing food all dirty dishes should be washed, dried and put away so that they are ready for the next use and all kitchen surfaces should be wiped clean. Any foods that have been opened should be stored correctly either in the cupboard or fridge so that they do not go off and can be used again. 1.2 It is important that team members work together in the management of the environment and resources. The carers who go into the homes and provide care need to be considerate not only of the individual but also of the next carer who is going into that call by leaving the environment ready for use. Care managers need to respond immediately to any problems to ensure that carers can continue with their work without delays. 1.3 Any problems with the environment should be investigated to the extent that no harm comes to the person doing the investigation. For example , if the problems are related to something such as gas, or electricity then the gas or electric board should be called immediately as interfering with this could cause harm. If the problem is something minimal such as changing a light bulb than this can be done as long as no harm can come to the person changing it. For example, if the light bulb can be reached whilst standing on the floor then it is safe to do so but if it requires step ladders or a chair then further assistance is required. All problems should be recorded in the care plan and reported to the care manager. 1.4 The impact of environmental changes on resources including their storage and use largely depends on the setting in which these resources are being used. For example, in hospitals and nursing homes, there are specific storage rooms, refrigerators’ etc which are temperature controlled at all times and therefore do not specifically undergo environmental changes. However, in individual’s homes environmental changes have a greater impact as the impact as the ability to control certain factors such as storage is reduced. An example of this would be if pads were kept in a shed outside due to lack of storage space in the home. This would be fine in the summer months but once the temperature started to drop damp could set in making the pads wet and non-useable. Another example would be where certain medication was prescribed which needed to stored in the refrigerator. If it is not kept refrigerated it may not work as well as if it had been. OUTCOME 2 2.1 With regards to preparing environments, medical equipment, devices and resources for use during healthcare activities the health and safety measures relevant to the healthcare activity and environment are as follows: Wearing gloves, aprons and masks when necessary Ensuring that there are no objects in the way which can cause harm, Ensuring all medical equipment, devices and resources are functioning correctly and if they are not report the problem and not use them. Ensuring the equipment, devices and resources are still relevant to the individual e.g. if eye drops were prescribed for use over 5 days are the still required. Ensuring that all equipment, devices and resources are to hand before starting the healthcare activity. 2.2 Gloves and aprons (where necessary) are worn during all calls involving personal care and food preparation. Different gloves should be used for personal care and food preparation to avoid cross contamination. Gloves and aprons should be disposed of at the end of each call. Hands should be washed on entering and leaving each call and after smoking and eating. Hair should be tied back if it is mid length or long. Tissues should be used if coughing or sneezing and disposed of and then hands should be washed. 2.3 The main conditions that affect individual comfort within the environment are warmth, lighting, food and cleanliness. With regards to warmth it is important to ask the individual whether they are comfortable especially in the winter months when the thermostat may need to be turned higher up. A change to the blankets on the bed will be necessary according to the seasons and particularly in winter a blanket over them while they are sitting in the chair or a hot water bottle may be required. Lighting is more often than not unchangeable and it is important to ensure that light bulbs work. I do care for a lady who felt that the lighting in her front room was to bright so we brought lamps down from of the spare bedrooms to create a softer feel to the room which she is now pleased with. Food is extremely important in affecting individual comfort as we all need to eat and drink and we also like to have snacks to eat between meals or while watching TV. We can ensure that the fridge is stocked up with foods that the individual likes to eat and, if they have mobility problems, leave snacks out for them within easy reach. The same applies to drinks with regards to cleanliness, most people like to sit in a room or lie in bed in which the immediate surroundings are tidy and clean. 2.4 The main resource that I am personally responsible for are gloves and aprons. I can ensure that these are available in advance of planned healthcare activities by ensuring that I have a sufficient supply at all times with regards to essential resources within the individuals home I can ensure that these are available in advance by keeping my eye on stock levels and where levels are running low then advise either the individual, their family or the care manager that stocks need reordering. It is the duty of myself and my colleagues to report any shortages immediately. 2.5 Medical equipment, devices and resources should be checked before they are used each and every time they are used to ensure that no malfunction can harm the individual who is using them or on whom they are to used. Any defects should reported immediately to the care manager and the equipment not only used but put out of the way of the service user who may not understand or realise that there is a problem. If a defect is noted it is important to leave clear instructions for colleagues both in the care plan and also by putting a sign with the equipment, devise or resource so that it can be easily be seen. 2.6 Any problems with medical equipment, devices and resources would be immediately reported to my care manager who would then look into the matter. 2.7 Refer to 2.5 above. 2.8 Clinical governance is the term used to describe a systematic approach to maintaining and improving the quality of patient care within a health system. Resources are prepared in line with clinical governance by following the standard codes of practice as described in unit 201- preparation to work – 1.1 and also unit 208 preparation to work -1.1. OUTCOME 3 3.1 It is important to ensure that the environments are ready for their next use as it ensures that the area has been left clean and tidy. It also ensures that the next carer who comes in to the call does not have to spend time cleaning up the environment before they can begin their work. For example, if an individual needs to use the commode desperately it is not acceptable for the carer to have to tidy up or move things out of the way that the previous carer left before the individual can use the commode. 3.2 The factors that influence the readiness of environments for use in healthcare activities are as follows: How the previous carer left the environment. How mobile the individual is. Whether the individual lives alone or with family. Whether supplies/equipment has been ordered and is there. 3.3 All equipment must be cleaned and stored correctly once they have been used so that the next colleague can use them straight away. For example, when giving someone a bed bath, the bowl used must be cleaned and rinsed and put back in the place it is stored. Flannels and towels must be put into the washing basket or directly into the machine ready to be washed. Razors must be rinsed and checked to ensure that any unsafe or worn blades are removed and disposed of. If clean blades are needed then these should be put on ready for use the next day. 3.4 Used, damaged or out-of-date items should be disposed of immediately. With regards to soiled pads and catheter bags these should be placed in a carrier bad and disposed of in the outside bin. Damaged items should be removed from the property as they can cause harm to the individual if they continue to be used (the individual may not be aware that something is damaged). Out-of-date items such as medication should be placed in the bin out of the service users sight/reach as the medication may have changed and out-of=date items are no longer in use. Taking the wrong medication can cause serious harm to an individual’s health. 3.5 Un-opened and surplus resources should be returned to the correct location for storage so that they are not in the way. Leaving them lying around can be a hazard for an individual with regards to mobility, for example , boxes of pads left in the hallway . It also ensures that all opened items are used first. 3.6 It is important to monitor levels of consumable materials used in healthcare activities so that the individual does not run out of things which they need on a regular basis. Examples of things which need to be monitored are pads, creams, catheter bags. Whoever orders these supplies, such as the individual themselves, their family or the care manager, need to be advised in advance so that they can get the order in before supplies run out. 3.7 Consumable materials are replenished by either advising the individual, or their family (or whoever does this for them) what they need more of, or advising my care manager of the individuals requirements. This does not always happen of course. I care for a man who is bed ridden and we visit him four times a day. We use baby wipes when changing his pad in order to ensure that he is clean, however, he never has any wipes as his family don’t bother with him. The office has been informed on a number of occasions yet still the family do not provide what is needed. It is often the carers who will provide these as it make our job very difficult not having them especially when he only has one flannel which we use to wash his body in the morning. 3.8 All information is accurately recorded as specified in local protocols in the care plan. For example under the heading â€Å"household duties†I always state that the pad has been correctly disposed of. If additional supplies are needed I enter this in the â€Å"comments†box and state who I have advised.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Political Reform Of A Democracy Essay - 1909 Words
The basis of a democracy goes back as far as 507 B.C. It was introduced by Ancient Athens’ first leader Cleisthenes. His primary mean was to ensure equality among his people; however, Cleisthenes’ â€Å"equality declaration†only spread so far and accomplished so much. Only forty thousand men over the age of eighteen were allowed to be part of Athens’ political affairs. This Athenian democracy was separated into three parts: â€Å"the ekklesia - a sovereign governing body that wrote laws and dictated foreign policy; the boule - a council of representatives from the ten Athenian tribes; and the dikasteria - the popular courts in which citizens argued cases before a group of lottery-selected jurors.†Cleisthenes’ democracy only survived for two centuries. However, his political reform of a democracy is one of Ancient Greece’s best contributions to the entire world. Democracy is defined as â€Å"a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people, and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.†It is also defined as a â€Å"state of democracy characterized by formal equality of rights at privileges.†In short terms, a democracy is ran for the people, by the people. It is primarily focused on the equality among people, and those same people are able to control who holds the power in their economy. We, the United States, run as a democracy. Though, the electoral votes are those that are only accounted for in the election, our voteShow MoreRelatedThe European Union ( Eu )1339 Words  | 6 Pageshas a variety of methods to promote democracy beyond its borders. It is the contention of this paper that EU democracy-promotion policies are more significant in the context of a pre-accession conditionality. 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