Monday, May 25, 2020
Artificial Lighting Mohamed Amr Hassan - 2461 Words
[14ARCH08C] Building Services (1) Module Leader: Dr. Ashraf Nessim Group Research Assignment artificial lighting Mohamed Amr Hassan 118279 Artificial lighting: Introduction The actual conception of space will be immediately linked to just how mild combines with it. What we see, whatwe all experience as well as how we translate the elements will be afflicted with precisely how mild interacts with us as well aswith all the surroundings. Regarding architectural mastery, within whichever measurement it may be assessed, possibly while space, while materials or perhaps while colour, it can be essentially based on your lights situation that concerns the two the item as well as the onlooker. The actual energetic sunlight as well as the controlled man-made lights can affect besides specific actual measurable problems inside a space, but additionally to be able to start as well as pressure diverse graphic suffers from as well as moods. A result of the mild, it is possible to understand diverse atmospheres inside the similar actual surroundings. Gentle make up an element of standard meaning for your design of rooms as well as then it plays a significant role insid e the talk of top quality within architectural mastery. Within executive tournaments, mild possesses often already been any stated term inside the jury’s remarks; possibly in case this will never be any qualifying criterion from the program. Commonly within type of sunlight, your ample by using
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Risk Management Project Case Study - 1809 Words
Risk Management Project Arthur â€Å"Ajaye†Jackson CPMGT/302 Overview ABC Company has held a spot among top assembling organizations in the United States for quite a long while. Be that as it may, because of expanded rivalry and client request administration has chosen to execute a few changes. The essential change to ABC Company that has been sketched out by administration is a supplier worldwide extension venture. Administration has its eyes set on China as another supply base. Similarly as with any venture, the advantages might be clear yet undertaking the task likewise accompanies what s coming to its of dangers. Objectives and Resources In an effort to remain a pioneer in the worldwide business sector, ABC Company has settled on the choice to grow its supply base into China. Achieving this objective however can be an overwhelming undertaking. A global supply chain should be spry and vigorous keeping in mind the end goal to address the issues of different markets while all the while taking care of regularly evolving needs. A supply chain should be receptive to client and authoritative needs regarding items and sourcing, producing, transport, ecological and human asset relations. A worldwide extension venture involves substantially more than basically setting up shop in another nation; however fortunately there are various instruments accessible to streamline the procedure. There are numerous assets that can be used to help in the universal move.Show MoreRelatedProject Risk Management - Fluidity in Risk Planning Case Study1098 Words  | 5 PagesRisk Paper 2 Project Risk Management- Professor Hurst Fluidity in Risk Planning – A Case Study One of the most important steps within a project is risk management because it plans for and responds to risks that impact the overall project deliverables including budget and timeframe. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is Isis A Threat - 899 Words
Ishank Tandon GS163: International Relations Dr. Terence Casey July 14, 2015 Is ISIS a Threat to United States? ISIS stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. It is referred as a terrorist group by the United States, whereas ISIS considers themselves to be an army instead. ISIS has been responsible for many gruesome attacks all over the world one of them being the execution of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh. They originated from Al-Qaeda in Iraq but they had big ambitions by kicking America out and setting up an Islamic state. To this date hold their land there unlike other groups like Al-Qaeda and Taliban. They have a huge support from people as their count being over 30,000 soldiers and followers. They are heavily armed, can fund themselves, have an organized infrastructure, and can cause a lot of damage. Later in 2006, their brutality lost them the support of Iraqi Sunnis who partnered with US forces to help push them out of the country. And for this incident, America takes a lot of credit for this and call it the Surge in which they helped Sunnis rise up against Al-Qaeda in Iraqâ€℠¢s rule. This led to Al-Qaeda in Iraq being defeated but not destroyed by only being driven out of the land they used to control and later they began rebuilding themselves by being involved in the fighting in Syria as they were trying to throw the Shiite Assad regime. Due to their brutal and severe tactics, Al-Qaeda disavowed Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Later in February 2014, the group Al-Qaeda in IraqShow MoreRelatedIsis : A U.s. Threat?1371 Words  | 6 PagesISIS: A U.S. Threat? ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) is a terrorist group that is trying to build a caliphate in Syria, as well as evoking war with the United States. ISIS first started as a branch off of Al- Qaeda; until February 2014, when they broke away from Al- Qaeda. According to K.T. McFarland, a national security analyst, ISIS has raped and tortured it’s way through Syria and Iraq, killing those who won’t join their group.. They have managed to recruit thousands of citizens fromRead MoreThe Continued Threats Of Isis Essay1298 Words  | 6 PagesThe continued threats of Isis are a growing foreign policy problem in the United States. The policies brought by the two Presidential Candidates have both positive and negative consequences. Candidate Hillary Clinton’s policy towards Isis includes taking out Isis strongholds, work with allies, and strengthen defenses at home. Presidential Candidate Donald Trump’s foreign policy toward Isis is to eliminate them with f ull military force. Isis is a growing problem in our world and should not beRead MoreThe Threat Of The Terror Group Isis1727 Words  | 7 PagesIraq and Syria, ISIS. Within twelve months, ISIS grew by creating of an organizational structure, engaging in violent military campaigns, developing an economy and establishing successful recruitment techniques. ISIS now controls large swaths of territory in both northwest Iraq and Eastern Syria. Political leadership in the United States is now debating what action should be taken to combat the terror group ISIS. To prevent ISIS from harming our national security, to stop the threat of internationalRead MoreAustin Iannitti Isis : Our Biggest Threat1432 Words  | 6 PagesAustin Iannitti ISIS: Our Biggest Threat Period 2 Mr. Danforth Music is often said to connect people to each other and have positive effects on people. However, what happens when the music talks about a much darker topic? An example of this type of song is American Terrorist by Lupe Fiasco. 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ISIS is notoriously known for holding public executions and committing large-scale attacks to capture and maintain conquered territory. The leader is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, but little is known about him. However, it is known that before he joined Al Qaeda in Iraq, he had formed a militant group in Salaheddin and Diyala provinces north of the Iraq capital. Al-BaghdadiRead MoreIsis And The Islamic State1527 Words  | 7 PagesISIS continues to dominate the news and internet. With each news report of beheadings, executions, and crucifixion, people want to understand what is ISIS and where did they come from. The acronym ISIS, in English, stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, but in Arabic it stands for The Islamic State in Iraq and Ash-Sham.  It is also known as ISIL, because sometimes Syria is replaced with the ter m the Levant. ISIS is a radical Sunni Muslim organization whose aim is to restore an IslamicRead MoreIs The Threat Of International Security?1141 Words  | 5 PagesIs ISIS a threat to international security? ISIS is a threat to international security because they attack, murder, torture and slaughter innocent people, villages and cities. ISIS sees itself as the Islamic Caliphate and controls lots of land in western Iraq and eastern Syria. They also pledge allegiance from different radical Islamic groups around the world. ISIS started from U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. Saddam Hussein fighters were left without a job, and they were furious. Al Qaeda choseRead MoreMiddle East Essay720 Words  | 3 PagesIslamic State (ISIS) and (2) a future nuclear-arm Islamic Iran. It worthy of noting that the intricacy of the Middle East did not start with ISIS, arguably so, the Middle-East was always a chaotic place. After the rise of ISIS, this organization manag ed to expand its operation beyond the Middle. The ISIS group became and still is the most dangerous criminal organization. Among many of their criminal activities, they are in part responsible for terrorism activities throughout the world. ISIS is not onlyRead MoreThe Global Community And Defeating Isis1039 Words  | 5 PagesLaurin Collins Mrs. Dannolfo LA 3: 8 11 May 2016 The Global Community and Defeating ISIS Osama bin Laden. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Akhtar Mansour. These names are not the words will hear on the street. Or in the shopping mall. But if switch on the 9 o clock news,some might hear these names following Al Qaeda, Taliban, or ISIS. These are not the name everyone would think would decapitate a young christian man on live television. Or would murder more than 130 people and wounded many
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
European Paintings Female Nude Essay Example For Students
European Paintings Female Nude Essay There was something special or unusual about them. It could have been for their beauty, power or their social status. In todays world, beauty of women is shown in magazines, television, billboards and catalogue advertisements. Before all these technology was invented, the only media beauty could be expressed was through paintings, The women in these paintings werent just any women walking down the street. Just like what we see today in the media, consider these women to be models. They had what was believed to he the figure of perfection; softness, curves and long thick hair. One of the paintings shown in Ways of Seeing video is a painting by Jean Augusta Ingress called La Grandee Odalisque, This painting was commissioned by Caroline Mural, Queen of Naples in 1814. Beauty is clearly expressed in this painting. Although Ingress ideal of female form is anatomically impossible with the enhancement of the overly long back appearance, her figure is the ideal It is boneless. Her pose and her gaze have a deeper meaning than just a naked woman staring at the spectator. There is nothing sexual about this painting. The fact that it was commissioned by another woman also support hat the nude is not only for male viewing pleasure. Another painting shown in the video is by Sir Peter Levy. It was created in 1972. Without knowing its history, many people would think that it was painted for a mans fantasy. Many people also think that the woman represents Venus and cupid. The woman in the painting was in fact one of the mistresses of King Charles II, Nell Go. Yen with her child. The fact that the woman is a mistress off powerful man shows that power plays a part in the making of European female nude paintings. Being an object in the painting also lifted up her status her and identity. The nude in European paintings do celebrate the woman within them. Just like the models in todays world, they were no ordinary women. They had the ideal figure and have earned their place to be chosen as an object. It is a celebration of their beauty.
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